Alpine Rentals

A Full Service Rental Store for Homeowners, Contractors, and Special Occasions

Alpine Rentals is family owned and operated since 1991. Rental runs in our blood, Scott's father is one of the founding memebers of the California Rental Association since 1946. He went on to own several E & J Rentals throughout Southern California. During which, he passed along his emmence knowledge of the industry and business to his sons, the oldest being Brad Thomas who founded and operated the largest inddependantly owned rental business in Southern Caliornia, "Bj's Rentals." Brad sold all of his locations to Sunbelt Rentals in March of 2020.


Scott started Alpine Rentals in 1991, bought and built our current location in 1995, where we continued to build and grow into two other locations that have since shut down, but Alpine continues strong.


In 2008 during the Cedar fires Alpine Rentals provided an extreme amount of help towards our community, Scott personally toting trailers around to collect farm anaimals and providing shelter to neightbors inside our concrete building. We have provided most of our communities needs during natural disaster situations and we donate to our charities and foundations for our community during these times. 


In the Spring of 2014 Alpine Rentals experienced a tremendous hardship when a 30 ton boulder fell off the mountain behind the building and crushed our building, we rebuilt and are back on our feet better than ever. 


In 2016, Alpine Rentals became women owned and operated and have been since. Today we are fully women owned and operated and one of the only indepently owned rental yards left in Southern California. 


We offer a wide range of rental equipment for construction, as well as equipment for large parties and events.


We pride outselves in providing quick and exceptional services to our community and surrounding communities. 

Store Location

Alpine Equipment Rentals, Inc
2110 Alpine Blvd

Alpine, CA
Phone: +1 619 619-445-6214 +1 619 619-445-6214


Holiday Sale!

Stop in to check out all the items currently discounted for our holiday sale. Great deals, perfect for gifts.

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